K. Manoj - Noise pollution generated by historical Unexploded Ordnance [...]

Date de soutenance : 01/09/2027

Equipe associée :
Équipe Ondes et Imagerie

Keywords : Propagation, Seismo-acoustics, UXO disposal, SPECFEM, interface waves

Noise pollution generated by historical Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) disposal in shallow waters

Encadrement :

  • Dr. Nathalie Favretto-Cristini : Directrice de thèse 
  • Dr. Paul Cristini : Co-directeur
  • Dr. Vadim Monteiller : Co-directeur
  • Dr. David Dellong : Ingénieur de Recherche Shom

Abstract: Historical UXO disposal by explosion in shallow waters generates highly-energetic low-frequency waves of different kinds propagating in both water and seabed, and interacting with each other in a complex way. While the seismic risks induced by large UXO detonations have been recently assessed, there are still few studies on the impact of underwater explosions on marine life and the potential mitigation solutions. In addition, noise assessment in shallow waters still largely relies on propagation models with strong assumptions (e.g., fluid seabed, no interface wave propagation at the seabed). Unlike previous works, the PhD work will account for seabed shear properties and interface wave propagation. It aims to study the explosion-induced noise propagation according to the UXO disposal location (on seabed or in water column) and to define optimal UXO disposal conditions limiting the impact on marine life. The work will rely mainly on 3D High-Performance Computing (HPC) simulations of the full seismo-acoustic wave propagation in a spatially-variable marine environment, and on analysis of real shock pressure, acoustic and seismic data. Bio-acousticians and marine biologists of the SEASOUNDS network will help to define and interpret the sound exposure level and vibration maps, and to evaluate the noise impact on marine life including invertebrates and plants).

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