[2025 - M2 Internship] Non-Destructive Testing of new Plasma Facing Comp. [...]

Date de soutenance : 01/03/2025

Equipe associée :
Équipe Ondes et Imagerie

Engineering fields (Acoustics, Mechanics, Materials, …), Applied mathematics/physics, …

Non-Destructive Testing of new Plasma Facing Components with Eurofer/Ti/Ta/Z junction: Infrared (IR) and Ultrasonic (US) data fusion

Advisor: Manda RAMANIRAKA (manda.ramaniraka[at]univ-amu.fr)

Duration: up to 6 months
PhD possibility: No

Data fusion is a very interesting decision support tool in engineering fields. It consists in collecting data (physical parameters) from different non-destructive testing (NDT) methods and combining them with the appropriate weights, to get a relevant and reliable information about the tested component. CEA-IRFM is exploring new concept of plasma facing components (PFC): Titanium and Tantalum used as functional gradient interlayer to join Tungsten armor and Eurofer97 cooling tube. The Ti/Ta interlayer is realized by Cold Spray and the component is assembled by Hot Isostatic Pressure (HIP). A prototype was built, and the bonding quality was checked by infrared (IR) and ultrasonic (US) NDT. Then, a High Heat Flux (HHF) test was performed on the HADES facility (electron beam) at CEA-IRFM, followed by NDT to check the prototype. Another HHF test (until failure) is planned soon, followed by new NDT.

The intern will develop an IR/US data fusion method to get a precise defect mapping at interfaces and/or bulk materials. Destructive examination (cutting + SEM analysis) is planned.
The work includes:
- State of the art
- IR and US data acquisition
- Development of data fusion code (Python and/or Matlab).

[1] M. Richou, I. Chu, G. Darut, R. Maestracci, M. Ramaniraka, and E. Meillot, “Titanium and Tantalum Used as Functional Gradient Interlayer to Join Tungsten and Eurofer97,” J. Nucl. Eng., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 453–460, 2022, doi: 10.3390/jne3040031.
[2] M. Ramaniraka, M. Richou, N. Vignal, Y. Addab, and M. Missirlian, “Reception tests of the WEST PFUs using ultrasonic testing and infrared thermography,” Nucl. Mater. Energy, vol. 32, no. June 2022, p. 101210, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.nme.2022.101210.
[3] M. Richou, A. Durocher, M. Medrano, R. Martinez-Ona, J. Moysan, B. Riccardi, “Data merging of infrared and ultrasonic images for plasma facing components inspection” Fusion Eng. Des., vol. 84, 2009, doi: 10.1016 j.fusengdes.2008.12.121