
Since 2018, the LMA has been a CNRS Mixed Research Unit (UMR 7031) under the auspices of Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), CNRS Ingénierie and Centrale Méditerranée.
Its aim is to ensure the continuum between fundamental research, engineering and technology in its areas of expertise: Acoustics and Solid Mechanics. The Laboratory's original research ranges from understanding phenomena, through design and development of basic concepts and technologies, to building systems with a high technological or societal impact.

The laboratory employs around 130 people, half of whom are researchers and teacher-researchers, a quarter research support staff and a quarter doctoral and post-doctoral students (see attached functional organization chart 2024 : LMA_orga-2024 )


A multi-disciplinary laboratory rooted in its local area and open to the world.

The LMA has nationally and internationally recognized skills in the fields of Solid Mechanics and Acoustics. It is organized into three research teams: Materials and Structures, Waves and Imaging and Sounds. The laboratory occupies an emblematic building in the Technopôle de Château-Gombert ecosystem, part of the Etoile area. This ecosystem is generally favorable to development and innovation.

The site's four mechanical engineering laboratories (IRPHE, IUSTI, LMA and M2P2) are grouped together in the Fédération Fabri de Peiresc FR 3515.

AMU has restructured its research offering around multidisciplinary institutes that integrate all the university's laboratories. Within an institute, training, research and socio-economic partnerships are at the heart of the approach, with the ambition of strengthening international positioning. The singularity of the approach in this context is interdisciplinarity, a crucible of new knowledge.

Within the site institutes and the Fabri de Peiresc federation, the LMA contributes to fundamental (theoretical and methodological), numerical and experimental aspects in the fields of mechanics of materials and structures, and acoustics. In these areas of expertise, it is involved in teaching and/or training at Aix-Marseille Université (UFR Sciences and IUT), Centrale Méditerranée and Polytech Marseille. In its scientific positioning, the LMA makes a cross-disciplinary contribution to six site institutes in its own fields. Along with the 3 other mechanics laboratories in the Fabri de Peiresc federation, the LMA is at the heart of the Institut de Mécanique et d'ingénierie.


The LMA is mainly located in Château-Gombert, with a branch in Aix-en-Provence (IUT GMP).

Main address and contact:

  • 4 impasse Nikola Tesla
    CS 40006
    13453 Marseille Cedex 13
  • Tel : (+33) 4 84 52 55 99