Materials and Structures Team

Research focus : Behaviour of heterogeneous materials ans structures
Skills : Computational mechanics, Micromechanics, Image Processing
Additional information : Main activity: development of high-performance numerical methods for simulating the behaviour of 2D and 3D linear and non-linear composite materials
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Article dans une revue
- The Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics in Marseilles (France): from the first world war to the present day, Sabine Meunier, Dominique Habault, Emmanuel Friot, Philippe Lasaygues, Hervé Moulinec, Christophe Vergez. Acoustique&Techniques, 2024, 100, pp.41-44
- Histoire du Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique : de la seconde guerre mondiale à nos jours, Sabine Meunier, Dominique Habault, Emmanuel Friot, Philippe Lasaygues, Hervé Moulinec, Christophe Vergez. Acoustique & Techniques, 2023, 100, pp.43-47
- A simple and fast algorithm for computing discrete Voronoi, Johnson-Mehl or Laguerre diagrams of points, Hervé Moulinec. Advances in Engineering Software, 2022, ⟨10.1016/j.advengsoft.2022.103150⟩
- Effective thermo-viscoelastic behavior of short fiber reinforced thermo-rheologically simple polymers: An application to high temperature fiber reinforced additive manufacturing, C.A. Suarez-Afanador, Rémi Cornaggia, Noël Lahellec, Aurelien Maurel-Pantel, Djaffar Boussaa, Hervé Moulinec, Stephane Pierre-Alain Bordas. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2022, 96, pp.104701. ⟨10.1016/j.euromechsol.2022.104701⟩
- Viscoplastic behavior of a porous polycrystal with similar pore and grain sizes: application to nuclear MOX fuel materials, Luc Portelette, Luc Portelette, Pierre Guy Vincent, Hervé Moulinec, Mihail Garajeu. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021, 236-237, pp.111316. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.111316⟩
- Porous polycrystal plasticity modeling of neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steels, Pierre Guy Vincent, Hervé Moulinec, Louis Joëssel, Martin Idiart, Mihai Garajeu. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2020, 542, pp.152463. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152463⟩
- Eigendecomposition-based convergence analysis of the Neumann series for laminated composites and discretization error estimation, Cédric Bellis, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121 (2), pp.201-232. ⟨10.1002/nme.6206⟩
- A micromechanical model for the secondary creep of elasto-viscoplastic porous materials with two rate-sensitivity exponents: Application to a mixed oxide fuel, Kajetan Wojtacki, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Pierre Suquet, Hervé Moulinec, Guylaine Boittin. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 184, pp.99-113. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.12.026⟩
- Effective viscoelastic behavior of short fibers composites using virtual DMA experiments, Boris Burgarella, Aurelien Maurel-Pantel, Noël Lahellec, Jean-Luc Bouvard, Noëlle Billon, Hervé Moulinec, Frédéric Lebon. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2018, 23 (3), pp.337-360. ⟨10.1007/s11043-018-9386-z⟩
- Convergence of iterative methods based on Neumann series for composite materials: theory and practice, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet, Graeme Milton. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018, ⟨10.1002/nme.5777⟩
- Numerical simulations and modeling of the effective plastic flow surface of a biporous material with pressurized intergranular voids, Guylaine Boittin, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Hervé Moulinec, Mihail Garajeu. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 323, pp.174 - 201. ⟨10.1016/j.cma.2017.05.004⟩
- A full-field image conversion method for the inverse conductivity problem with internal measurements, Cédric Bellis, Hervé Moulinec. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2016, 472 (2187), pp.20150488. ⟨10.1098/rspa.2015.0488⟩
- A full-field image conversion method for the inverse conductivity problem with internal measurements, Cédric Bellis, Hervé Moulinec. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2016, 472 (2187), ⟨10.1098/rspa.2015.0488⟩
- Effective flow surface of porous materials with two populations of voids under internal pressure: I. a GTN model, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Pierre Suquet, Yann Monerie, Hervé Moulinec. International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 56, pp.45-73. ⟨10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.11.013⟩
- Effective flow surface of porous materials with two populations of voids under internal pressure: II. full-field simulations, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Pierre Suquet, Yann Monerie, Hervé Moulinec. International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 56, pp.74-98. ⟨10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.11.012⟩
- Multiscale modeling of ice deformation behavior, Maurine Montagnat, O. Castelnau, P. D. Bons, S.H. Faria, O. Gagliardini, F. Gillet-Chaulet, Fanny Grennerat, A. Griera, Ricardo A. Lebensohn, Hervé Moulinec, J. Roessiger, Pierre Suquet. Journal of Structural Geology, 2014, 61, pp.78-108. ⟨10.1016/j.jsg.2013.05.002⟩
- Comparison of three accelerated FFT-based schemes for computing the mechanical response of composite materials, Hervé Moulinec, Fabrice Silva. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2014, 97 (13), pp.960-985. ⟨10.1002/nme.4614⟩
- Multi-scale modeling of the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline ice under transient creep., Pierre Suquet, Hervé Moulinec, O. Castelnau, Maurine Montagnat, Noël Lahellec, Fanny Grennerat, Paul Duval, Renald Brenner. Procedia IUTAM, 2012, 3, pp.76-90. ⟨10.1016/j.piutam.2012.03.006⟩
- Experimental characterization of the intragranular strain field in columnar ice during transient creep, Fanny Grennerat, Maurine Montagnat, Olivier Castelnau, Pierre Vacher, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet, P Duval. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60, pp.3655-3666. ⟨10.1016/j.actamat.2012.03.025⟩
- A self-consistent estimate for linear viscoelastic polycrystals with internal variables inferred from the collocation method, Quoc Huy Vu, Renald Brenner, Olivier Castelnau, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 20 (2), pp.024003. ⟨10.1088/0965-0393/20/2/024003⟩
- Bounds and estimates for the effective yield surface of porous media with a uniform or a nonuniform distribution of voids, Nicolas Bilger, François Auslender, Michel Bornert, Hervé Moulinec, André Zaoui. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2007, 26 (5), pp.810-836. ⟨10.1016/j.euromechsol.2007.01.004⟩
- Macroscopic behavior and field fluctuations in viscoplastic composites: Second-order estimates versus full-field simulations, Martin Idiart, Hervé Moulinec, Pedro Ponte Castañeda, Pierre Suquet. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2006, 6, pp.201-208. ⟨10.1016/j.jmps.2005.11.004⟩
- Effect of a nonuniform distribution of voids on the plastic response of voided materials: a computational and statistical analysis, Nicolas Bilger, François Auslender, Michel Bornert, Jean-Claude Michel, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet, André Zaoui. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2005, 42, pp.517-538. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2004.06.048⟩
- Mesure tridimensionnelle de champs cinématiques par imagerie volumique pour l'analyse des matériaux et des structures, Michel Bornert, Jean-Marc Chaix, Pascal Doumalin, Jean-Christophe Dupré, Thierry Fournel, Dominique Jeulin, Éric Maire, Maxime Moreaud, Hervé Moulinec. Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie, 2004, 3-4 (3-4), pp.43-88
- Intraphase fluctuations in nonlinear composites : a computational approach, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2003, 22, pp.751-770
- Comparison of FFT-based methods for computing the response ofcomposites with highly contrasted mechanical properties, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2003, 338, pp.58-60
- Comparison of FFT-based methods for computing the response of composites with highly contrasted mechanical properties, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2003, 338 (1-4), pp.58-60. ⟨10.1016/S0921-4526(03)00459-9⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage
- Homogenization for nonlinear composites in the light of numerical simulation, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. Ponte Castaneda P. and Telega J.J. Nonlinear Homogenization ant its application to composites polycrystals and smart materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.193-223, 2004, NATO Sciences Series II 170
Communication dans un congrès
- Spectrum of the operator of Lippmann-Schwinger equation - a numerical study, Cedric Bellis, Hervé Moulinec. ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2024 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2024, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
- HISTORY OF THE LABORATORY OF MECHANICS AND ACOUSTICS IN MARSEILLES (FRANCE): FROM THE SECOND WORLD WAR TO THE PRESENT DAY, Sabine Meunier, Dominique Habault, Hervé Moulinec, Philippe Lasaygues, Denis Guthleben, Pierre-Olivier Mattei, Elena Rosu. 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, European Acoustics Association, Sep 2023, Torino, Italy
- ESTIMATING THERMOMECHANICAL RESIDUAL STRESSES IN FDM 3D PRINTED COMPOSITE PARTS, Camilo Suarez, Rémi Cornaggia, Aurélien Maurel-Pantel, Noël Lahellec, Djaffar Boussaa, Hervé Moulinec, Noelle Billon. International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aug 2021, Milano, Italy
- POROUS POLYCRYSTAL FULL-FIELD SIMULATIONS ON NUCLEARMOX FUEL MATERIALS, Luc Portelette, Luc Portelette, Pierre Guy Vincent, Hervé Moulinec, Mihai Garajeu. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) - ECCOMAS Congress 2020, WCCM - ECCOMAS, 2021, PARIS, France
- Estimation du comportement thermo-viscoélastique effectif des pièces composites obtenues par impression 3D-FDM, Camilo Suarez, Rémi Cornaggia, Aurélien Maurel-Pantel, Noël Lahellec, Djaffar Boussa, Hervé Moulinec, Noelle Billon, Stéphane P A Bordas. Fabrication Additive des Composites (FabAddComp), AMAC, Journées Scientifiques et Techniques, Oct 2020, Lorient, France
- Mean-Field Approximations in Effective Thermo-viscoelastic Behavior for Composite Parts Obtained via Fused Deposition Modeling Technology, Camilo Suarez Afanador, Rémi Cornaggia, Aurélien Maurel-Pantel, Noël Lahellec, Djaffar Boussa, Hervé Moulinec, Noelle Billon, Davide Baroli, Stéphane Bordas. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Sep 2020, RHODES, Greece
- EFFECTIVE VISCOPLASTIC BEHAVIOUR OF AN IRRADIATED POROUS NUCLEAR MOX FUEL, K Wojtacki, H Moulinec, Pierre-Guy Vincent. ECCM VI 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Jun 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Modelling Using Full Field Computing, Application to Glass Fiber Reinforced PEEK, Boris Burgarella, Aurelien Maurel-Pantel, Noel Lahellec, Hervé Moulinec, Frédéric Lebon, Jean-Luc Bouvard, Noëlle Billon. 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2017, Montréal, Canada
- Modélisation du comportement visco-élastique d'un composite thermoplastique renforcé par des fibres courtes de verre., Boris Burgarella, Aurélien Maurel Pantel, Noel Lahellec, Jean-Luc Bouvard, Hervé Moulinec, Frédéric Lebon, Noëlle Billon. Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2017, École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), Jun 2017, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, France
- Numerical simulations and modeling of the effective plastic flow surface of a biporous material with pressurized intergranular bubbles: application to irradiated uranium dioxide, Guylaine Boittin, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Hervé Moulinec, Mihail Garajeu. NuMat2016: The Nuclear Materials Conference, Nov 2016, Montpellier, France
- ON THE CONVERGENCE TEST OF FFT-BASED METHODS, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet, Graeme W. Milton. ECCOMAS Congress 2016 VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2016, Hersonissos, Greece
- On the convergence test of FFT-based methods, Graeme W. Milton, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. ECCOMAS Congress 2016 VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2016, Hersonissos, Greece
- Short fiber reinforced thermoplastics modelling, Boris Burgarella, Aurelien Maurel-Pantel, Noel Lahellec, Jean-Luc Bouvard, Hervé Moulinec, Frédéric Lebon, Noëlle Billon. MTDM2016: 10th International Conference on Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials , May 2016, Paris, France
- Sur une méthode de conversion d'images de mesures de champs: Application au problème inverse de conductivité, Cédric Bellis, Hervé Moulinec. 12e Colloque national en calcul des structures, CSMA, May 2015, Giens, France
- Comparison of different FFT-based methods for computing the mechanical response of heteregoneous materials, Hervé Moulinec, Fabrice Silva, Pierre Suquet. 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng-2013), Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Étude du comportement mécanique de microstructures à porosité bimodale pressurisée par transformées de Fourier rapides, Guylaine Boittin, Hervé Moulinec, Mihail Garajeu, Pierre-Guy Vincent. Deuxièmes Journées Matériaux Numériques, Feb 2015, St-Aignan-sur-Cher, France
- Calibration of crystal plasticity models : application to primary creep in polycrystalline ice, Pierre Suquet, Hervé Moulinec. 24th International Workshop on Computational Micromechanics of Materials (IWCMM24), Oct 2014, Madrid, Spain
- ON THE CONVERGENCE OF THREE ITERATIVE FFT-BASED METHODS FOR COMPUTING THE MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Hervé Moulinec, Fabrice Silva. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Jul 2014, Barcelone, Spain
- Effective flow surface of a porous material with two populations of voids: constitutive modelling and 3 dimensional full field numerical simulations, Pierre Suquet, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Hervé Moulinec, Yann Monerie. Computational Plasticity XII Fundamentals and Applications, Sep 2013, Barcelona, Spain
- Surface de charge de plasticité effective pour un matériau biporeux saturé : modélisation analytique et simulations numériques, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Yann Monerie, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France. pp.Clé usb
- Comparaison de 3 méthodes à base de transformées de Fourier pour le calcul des propriétés mécaniques de matériaux hétérogènes, Hervé Moulinec, Fabrice Silva. CSMA 2013 11e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, May 2013, Giens, France
- Effective flow surface of a bi-porous material: constitutive modeling and numerical simulations, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Yann Monerie, Pierre Suquet, Hervé Moulinec. ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and engineering, Sep 2012, Vienne, Austria
- CraFT : a versatile code based on Fourier transforms to investigate the response of heterogeneous materials with complex microstructure, Hervé Moulinec, Fabrice Silva. ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and engineering, Sep 2012, Vienne, Austria
- Elasto-viscoplastic behavior of polycrystals: a comparison between full-field simulations and a micromechanical model based on "effective" internal variables., Pierre Suquet, Alice Labé, Noël Lahellec, Hervé Moulinec, Claudiu Badulescu. IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010), May 2010, Paris, France
- Damage evolution in porous materials with two populations of voids under internal pressure, Pierre Suquet, Yann Monerie, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre-Guy Vincent. 3rd US-France Symposium on Damage and Failure in Heterogeneous Materials and Structures, Apr 2009, Shalimar, United States
- Effective behavior and fieldfluctuations in nonlinear composites, M. Idiart, Hervé Moulinec, P. Ponte-Casteneda, Pierre Suquet. -, 2005, France
- Analysis of inhomogeneous materials at large strains using fast Fourier transform, Noël Lahellec, Jean-Claude Michel, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet. Computational Mechanics of Solid Materials at large Strains, 2003, Stuttgart, 2001, Germany. pp.247-258
- Statistical and Numerical analysis of the nonlinear behaviour of a porous materials with a heterogeneous distribution of pores, Nicolas Bilger, Michel Bornert, François Auslender, Jean-Claude Michel, Hervé Moulinec, Pierre Suquet, André Zaoui. 9th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 2003, Genève, Switzerland