
Article dans une revue
- Multiphysical numerical study of photothermal therapy of glioblastoma with photoacoustic temperature monitoring in a mouse head, Antoine Capart, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Anabela da Silva. Biomedical optics express, 2022, 13 (3), pp.1202. ⟨10.1364/BOE.444193⟩
- Ultrasound-Mediated Blood-Brain Barrier Opening Improves Whole Brain Gene Delivery in Mice, Marie-Solenne Felix, Emilie Borloz, Khaled Metwally, Ambre Dauba, Benoit Larrat, Valerie Matagne, Yann Ehinger, Laurent Villard, Anthony Novell, Serge Mensah, Jean-Christophe Roux. Pharmaceutics, 2021, 13, ⟨10.3390/pharmaceutics13081245⟩
- Laser Ablation-Assisted Synthesis of Plasmonic Si@Au Core-Satellite Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications, Ahmed Al-Kattan, Gleb Tselikov, Khaled Metwally, Anton Popov, Serge Mensah, Andrei Kabashin. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11 (3), pp.592. ⟨10.3390/nano11030592⟩
- Development of a multi-functional preclinical device for the treatment of glioblastoma, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Florian Correard, Anthony Novell, Samantha Fernandez, Benjamin Guillet, Benoit Larrat, Serge Mensah, Marie-Anne Estève, Anabela da Silva. Biomedical optics express, 2021, 12 (4), pp.2264-2279. ⟨10.1364/boe.419412⟩
- Laser- synthesized TiN nanoparticles as promising plasmonic alternative for biomedical applications, Anton Popov, Gleb Tselikov, Noé Dumas, Charlotte Berard, Khaled Metwally, Nicola Jones, Ahmed Al-Kattan, Benoit Larrat, Diane Braguer, Serge Mensah, Anabela da Silva, Marie-Anne Esteve, Andrei V Kabashin. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), pp.1194. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-37519-1⟩
- Azacalixphyrins as NIR photoacoustic contrast agents, Lucien Lavaud, Simon Pascal, Khaled Metwally, Damien Gasteau, Anabela da Silva, Zhongrui Chen, Mourad Elhabiri, Gabriel Canard, Denis Jacquemin, Olivier Siri. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54 (87), pp.12365-12368. ⟨10.1039/C8CC05851B⟩
- Weld inspection by focused adjoint method, Khaled Metwally, Emma Lubeigt, Sandrine T. Rakotonarivo, Jean François Chaix, Francois Baque, Gilles Gobillot, Serge Mensah. Ultrasonics, 2018, 83, pp.80-87. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2017.08.009⟩
- Isosbestic Thermoplasmonic Nanostructures, Metwally Khaled, Serge Mensah, Guillaume Baffou. ACS photonics, 2017, 4 (6), pp.1544-1551. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00329⟩
- Taking advantage of acoustic inhomogeneities in photoacoustic measurements, Anabela da Silva, Charles Handschin, Khaled Metwally, Houssem Garci, Christophe Riedinger, Serge Mensah, Hassan Akhouayri. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2017, 22 (4), pp.041012. ⟨10.1117/1.JBO.22.4.041012⟩
- Tunable microbubble generator using electrolysis and ultrasound, Younes Achaoui, Khaled Metwally, Damien Fouan, Zoubida Hammadi, Roger Morin, Eric Debieu, Cédric Payan, Serge Mensah. AIP Advances, 2017, 7 (1), pp.015011. ⟨10.1063/1.4973720⟩
- Measuring mass density and ultrasonic wave velocity: A wavelet-based method applied in ultrasonic reflection mode, Khaled Metwally, Emmanuelle Lefevre, Cécile Baron, Rui Zheng, Martine Pithioux, Philippe Lasaygues. Ultrasonics, 2016, 65, pp.10-17. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2015.09.006⟩
- Fluence Threshold for Photothermal Bubble Generation Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles, Khaled Metwally, Serge Mensah, Guillaume Baffou. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119 (51), ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b09903⟩
Communication dans un congrès
- SYSTÈME EXPÉRIMENTAL ET OUTILS NUMÉRIQUES POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT D'UNE THÉRAPIE PHOTOTHERMIQUE POUR LE TRAITEMENT DES GLIOBLASTOMES, Antoine Capart, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Anabela da Silva. Congrès de la Société Française d'Optique (SFO) 2022, Jul 2022, Nice, France
- Investigation par ondes ultrasonores de l’endommagement du tungstène pour les composants des Tokamaks, Joseph Moysan, Khaled Metwally, Manda Ramaniraka, Cédric Payan, Serge Mensah. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
- Application of photothermal therapy with photoacoustic temperature monitoring in the mouse's head: a numerical study, Antoine Capart, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Anabela da Silva. International school of quantum electronics 64th course: Progress in photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena: Focus on biomedical, nanoscale, NDE, gas sensing, and thermophysical phenomena and technologies, Oct 2021, Erice, Italy
- A multipurpose integrated preclinical device for the treatment of glioblastoma, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Florian Correard, Anthony Novell, Samantha Fernandez, Benjamin Guillet, Benoit Larrat, Serge Mensah, Marie-Anne Estève, Anabela da Silva. European Conferences on Biomedical Optics OSA/SPIE (ECBO 2021), Jun 2021, Munich (virtual), Germany. ⟨10.1117/12.2614596⟩
- Development of a realistic phantom of a mouse's head : application to photoacoustic temperature monitoring during photothermal therapy, Antoine Capart, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Anabela da Silva. European Conferences on Biomedical Optics OSA/SPIE (ECBO 2021), Jun 2021, Munich, Germany
- An integrated setup for photo-thermal therapy treatment of the glioblastoma, K. Metwally, C. Bastiancich, N. Dumas, F. Correard, A. Novell, F. Chaspoul, N. Jones, G. Tselikov, A. Popov, A. Al-Kattan, Av. Kabashin, B. Larrat, D. Braguer, S. Mensah, M.-A. Estève, A. Da Silva. SPIE Photonics Europe, Mar 2020, Strasbourg, France
- Low frequency passive imaging for detection and localization of defects in immersed pipe, Metwally Khaled, Emma Lubeigt, Sandrine T. Rakotonarivo, Serge Mensah, Jean François Chaix, Matthieu Cavaro, Gilles Gobillot, François Baqué, W.A. Kuperman. Workshop on « Passive imaging and monitoring in wave physic : from seismology to ultrasound IV », Sep 2019, Cargèse, France
- Potential And Challenges Of Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles For Glioblastoma Photothermal Therapy, Bastiancich Chiara, Correard Florian, Novell Anthony, Dumas Noé, Metwally Khaled, Tselikov Gleb, Popov Anton, Al-Kattan Ahmed, Kabashin Andrei V., Larrat Benoit, Braguer Diane, Mensah Serge, da Silva Anabela, Estève Marie-Anne, Florence Chaspoul. 46th Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting, Jul 2019, Valencia, Spain
- In Situ Temperature Monitoring with PhotoAcoustics during Photothermal Therapy and Perspectives for Glioblastoma Treatment Monitoring, K. Metwally, C. Bastiancich, N. Dumas, F. Correard, A. Novell, F. Chaspoul, N. Jones, G. Tselikov, A. Popov, A. Al-Kattan, A. V. Kabashin, B. Larrat, D. Braguer, S. Mensah, Ma. Estève, A. da Silva. European Conferences On Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Jun 2019, Munich, Germany
- In-situ temperature monitoring with photoacoustics during photothermal therapy and perspectives for glioblastoma treatment monitoring, Khaled Metwally, Chiara Bastiancich, Noé Dumas, Florian Correard, Anthony Novell, Florence Chaspoul, Nicola Jones, Gleb Tselikov, Anton Popov, Ahmed Al-Kattan, Andrei V Kabashin, Benoît Larrat, Diane Braguer, Serge Mensah, Marie-Anne Esteve, Anabela da Silva. Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics, Jun 2019, Munich, France. pp.8, ⟨10.1117/12.2527060⟩
- Multiphysics simulation approach for photo-acoustics temperature monitoring in rodents head during photothermal therapy, K. Metwally, A. Cappart, G. Ndjehoya, J. Cheng, A. Da Silva, S. Mensah. European Conferences On Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Jun 2019, Munich, Germany
- Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles as Photo-Absorbing Carriers of Photothermal Glioblastoma Therapy In Vitro Investigation, Chiara Bastiancich, Florian Correard, Anthony Novell, Florence Chaspoul, Noé Dumas, Khaled Metwally, Gleb Tselikov, Anton A. Popov, Ahmed Al-Kattan, Andrei V. Kabashin, Benoit Larrat, Diane Braguer, Serge Mensah, Anabela Da Silva, Marie-Anne Esteve. SFNano, Dec 2018, Montpellier, France
- In Vitro Investigation of Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles as Photo-Absorbing Agent for Photothermal Therapy, Noé Dumas, Chiara Bastiancich, Charlotte Berard, Khaled Metwally, Nicola Jones, Gleb Tselikov, Anton A. Popov, Ahmed Al-Kattan, Andrei V. Kabashin, Benoit Larrat, Diane Braguer, Serge Mensah, Anabela Da Silva, Marie-Anne Esteve. SFNano, Dec 2018, Montpellier, France
- Thermométrie photoacoustique en thérapie photothermique, K. Metwally, N. Jones, G. Ndjehoya, F. Correard, A.L. Bailly, G. Tselikov, A. Conti, M. Gerstenmayer, A. Popov, D. Gasteau, A. Al-Kattan, M.A. Estève, D. Braguer, A.V. Kabashin, B. Larrat, G. Baffou, A. Da Silva, S. Mensah. Optdiag, May 2018, Paris, France
- GRAVITY: a project on Glioblastoma Risk Attrition by VectorIzed ThermotherapY, K. Metwally, N. Jones, G. Ndjehoya, F. Correard, A.L. Bailly, G. Tselikov, M. Gerstenmayer, A. Popov, D. Gasteau, A. Al-Kattan, M.A. Estève, D. Braguer, A.V. Kabashin, B. Larrat, G. Baffou, A. Da Silva, S. Mensah. Photonics West/BIOS2018, Jan 2018, San Francisco, United States
- Détection et localisation de défauts par imagerie topologique et focalisation de sources: application à l’inspection des soudures, Sandrine T. Rakotonarivo, Emma Lubeigt, Khaled Metwally, Jean-François Chaix, Jean-François Chaix, François Baqué, Gilles Gobillot, Serge Mensah. 14ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, 2018, Le Havre, France
- Contrast resolution enhancement of Ultrasonic Computed Tomography using a wavelet-based method – Preliminary results in bone imaging, Philippe Lasaygues, Régine Guillermin, Khaled Metwally, Samantha Fernandez, Laure Balasse, Philippe Petit, Cécile Baron. International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography, Nov 2017, Speyer, Germany
- Développement d’un coupleur photoacoustique pour l’imagerie biomédicale, Damien Gasteau, Anabela da Silva, Metwally Khaled, Serge Mensah. Assemblée générale GDR ONDES “Interférences d’Ondes”, Oct 2017, Sophia Antipolis, France
- Development of an enhanced photoacoustic microscopy, Khaled Metwally, Damien Gasteau, Serge Mensah, Anabela da Silva. European Conferences On Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Jun 2017, Munich, Germany
- Sensitivity enhancement of the topological imaging method: Application to weld inspection, K. Metwally, E. Lubeigt, Sandrine T. Rakotonarivo, J.-F. Chaix, F. Baqué, G. Gobillot, S. Mensah. Conference ANIMMA, 2017, Liège, Belgium