
Article dans une revue
- Utilisation d'une source laser pulsée à haute energie comme source acoustique large bande en milieu liquide Source acoustique générée par un laser pulsé intense, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Amélie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Dominique Fattaccioli. Traitement du Signal, 2016, 33 (1), pp.95-111. ⟨10.3166/ts.33.95-111⟩
- Underwater acoustic wave generation by filamentation of terawatt ultrashort laser pulses, Vytautas Jukna, Amélie Jarnac, Carles Milián, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, Régine Guillermin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Dominique Fattaccioli, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Aurélien Houard. Physical Review E , 2016, 93, pp.063106. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.93.063106⟩
- Underwater acoustic signals induced by intense ultrashort laser pulse, Yohann Brelet, Amélie Jarnac, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard, Dominique Fattaccioli, Régine Guillermin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 137, pp.EL288. ⟨10.1121/1.4914998⟩
- Inversion géoacoustique passive en milieux petits fonds à partir de signaux représentatifs des émissions de cétacés, Amélie Barazzutti, Cedric Gervaise, Yann Stéphan, Florian Dadouchi, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Traitement du Signal, 2013, 30 (3-4-5), pp.169-194
- High frequency roughness scattering from various rough surfaces: theory and laboratory experiments, Virginie Jaud, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Cedric Gervaise, Yann Stephan. Open Journal of Acoustics, 2012, 2 (1), pp.50-59. ⟨10.4236/oja.2012.21005⟩
- Time-frequency analysis of the bistatic acoustic scattering from a spherical elastic shell, Shaun Anderson, Karim G. Sabra, Manell Zakharia, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, Vol. 131 (1), pp.164-173
- Forward modeling for marine sediment characterization using chirp sonars, Sandrine Rakotonarivo, Michel Legris, Rozenn Desmare, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Jean-François Bourillet. Geophysics, 2011, 76 (4), pp.T91-T99. ⟨10.1190/1.3590717⟩
- Expériences à échelle réduite de la propagation acoustique par petits fonds et par grands fonds marins., Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Dominique Fattaccioli. Acoustique et Techniques : trimestriel d'information des professionnels de l'acoustique, 2011, pp.41-46
- Multistatic sonar imaging: comparisons between the matched filtering method and a reconstruction method based on the Kirchhoff approximation, Caroline Hervé, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, F. Schmitt, F. Daout. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2010, 96 (1), pp.49-62
- High-frequency sound reflection by water-saturated sediment interfaces, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Anatoly Ivakin. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2009, 33 (4), pp.375-385. ⟨10.1109/JOE.2008.2002457⟩
- Frequency dependence of phase speed, group speed and attenuation in water-saturated sand: laboratory experiments., Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand, Anatoly Ivakin. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2009, 33 (4), pp.359-366. ⟨10.1109/JOE.2008.927584⟩
- Scaled model experiment of long-range across-slope pulse propagation in a penetrable wedge, Alexios Korakas, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2009, 126 (1), pp.EL22-EL27. ⟨10.1121/1.3141890⟩
- Scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation: calibration phase, Panagiotis Papadakis, Michaël Taroudakis, Frédéric Sturm, Patrick Sanchez, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2008, 94 (5), pp.676-684. ⟨10.3813/AAA.918081⟩
- High frequency broad band scattering from water-saturated granular sediments: scaling effects, Anatoliy N. Ivakin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2007, 122 (5), pp.EL165 - EL171. ⟨10.1121/1.2784534⟩
- La propagation océanique en eau peu profonde: modèles et expérimentations, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand. Acoustique et Techniques : trimestriel d'information des professionnels de l'acoustique, 2007, 48, pp.52-57
- A non-linear inversion method for recovering the properties of a multi-layered elastic bottom: A laboratory experiment, P.J. Papadakis, L. Bjorno, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, M. Taroudakis. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2003, 89, pp.614-624
- Propagator methods for finding wideband source parameters, S. Bourennane, A. Bendjama, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Applied Acoustics, 2002, 63 (3), pp.253-281. ⟨10.1016/S0003-682X(01)00038-X⟩
- Scaled models for underwater acoustics and geotechnics applications, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2002, 88 (5), pp.707-710
- Inversion of synthetic and experimental acoustical scattering data for the comparison of two reconstruction methods employing the Born approximation, Régine Guillermin, Philippe Lasaygues, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Armand Wirgin. Ultrasonics, 2001, 39 (2), pp.121-131
- Imaging an object buried in the sediment bottom of a deep sea by linearized inversion of synthetic and experimental scattered acoustic wavefields, Régine Guillermin, Philippe Lasaygues, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Armand Wirgin. Inverse Problems, 2000, 16 (6), pp.1777-1797
- Identification of shear wave parameters of viscoelastic solids by laboratory measurements of Stoneley-Scholte waves, Nathalie Favretto-Anrès, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 1999, 85 (4), pp.505-516
- Scattering by an elastic sphere embedded in an elastic isotropic medium, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Jean Sageloli, Régine Guillermin, Herbert Überall. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1998, 104 (5), pp.2836-2844
- Extraction of Modulation laws of Elastic Shells by the use of the Wavelet Transform., Ginette Saracco, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Jean Sageloli, Philippe Guillemain, Richard Kronland-Martinet. Research Notes in Applied Mathematics, Masson-Springer, 1991, Wavelets and Applications, Ed Y. Meyer (Research Notes in Applied Mathematics, serie eds P.J. Ciarlet & J.L. Lions), pp.61-68
- Time-scale analysis of acoustic scattering by elastic spherical shells for impulse sources. Analyse temps-echelle de la diffusion acoustique par des coques spheriques elastiques en regime impusionnel., Ginette Saracco, Claude Gazanhes, Jean Sageloli, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Journal d'Acoustique, 1990, 3, pp.381-392
- Réponse basse fréquence d'une coque sphérique mince immergée, Jean Louis Rousselot, Alain Gérard, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Jean Sageloli. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 1988, 66, pp.203-213
Chapitre d'ouvrage
- Application of time frequency analysis to the characterization of acoustical scattering, Manuel Zakharia, F. Magand, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Jean Sageloli. A. Guran and A. de Hoop and F. Mainardi. Acoustical Interactions with submerged elastic structures - Part III, World Scientific Publishing Company, pp.168-204, 2002, Stability, vibrations and control of systems (B)5
Communication dans un congrès
- INFLUENCE OF DE-COHERENCE EFFECTS ON SONAR ARRAY GAIN: SCLAED EXPERIMENT, SIMULATIONS AND SIMPLIFIED THEORY COMPARISON, Gaultier Real, Xavier Cristol, Dominique Habault, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Dominique Fattaccioli. UACE2015 3rd Underwater Acoustics Conference & Exhibition , Jun 2015, Chania, Greece
- RAFAL: RANDOM FACED ACOUSTIC LENS USED TO MODEL INTERNAL WAVES EFFECTS ON UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION, Gaultier Real, Xavier Cristol, Dominique Habault, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Dominique Fattaccioli. UACE2015 3rd Underwater Acoustics Conference & Exhibition , Jun 2015, Chania, Greece
- DE-COHERENCE EFFECTS IN UNDERWATER ACOUSTCS: SCALED EXPERIMENTS, Gaultier Real, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Xavier Cristol, Dominique Fattaccioli. UACE2014 2nd international conferences and exhibitions on Underwater Acoustics , Jun 2014, Rhodes, Greece
- PROPAGATION OF ACOUSTIC WAVES THROUGH A SPATIALLY FLUCTUATING MEDIUM: THEORETICAL STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL PHENOMENA, Gaultier Real, Xavier Cristol, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Dominique Fattaccioli. UACE2014, 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics, Jun 2014, Rhodes, Greece
- EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF SPATIAL INHOMOGENEITIES IN UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION, Gaultier Real, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Xavier Cristol, Dominique Fattaccioli. 1st international conference on underwater acoustics (UA 2013), Jun 2013, Corfoue, Greece. pp.935-942
- Measurements and modeling of acoustic scattering by a spherical elastic target near a soft interface., Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Natalie S. Grigorieva, Paul Cristini, Gregory Fridman. 35th Scandinavian Symposiumon Physical Acoustics, Jan 2012, Geilo, Norway
- Bistatic scattering from an anisotropic rough surface in water tank, Virginie Jaud, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Cedric Gervaise, Yann Stephan. 4th International Conference on Underwater Acoustics Measurements, Jun 2011, Kos, Greece. pp.809-816
- Shallow and deep water propagation experiments in tanks, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Dominique Fattaccioli. 4th International Conference on Underwater Acoustics and Measurements, Jun 2011, Kos, Greece. pp.783-790
- Measurements and modelling of acoustic scattering by a spherical elastic shell near an interface., Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Natalie S. Grigorieva, Paul Cristini, Gregory Fridman. 4th International Conference on Underwater Acoustic and Measurements, Jun 2011, Kos, Greece. pp.801-808
- High frequency sound speed and attenuation measurements in water-saturated glass beads of different sizes., Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Anatoly Ivakin. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Jul 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1239-1240
- Backscattering by a spherical shell close to the air-water interface. Comparison experiment / modelling, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Paul Cristini, Natalie S. Grigorieva, Gregory Fridman. The 10th European Conference in UInderwater Acoustics, Jul 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1133-1141
- Results of matched-field inversion in a three-dimensional wedge-like environment, Alexios Korakas, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Jul 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.357-363
- Confirmation expérimentale et numérique de la dépendance fréquentielle de la distance de coupure modale pour un environnement océanique 3D, Alexios Korakas, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France
- Backscattering by a spherical elastic shell close to the air-water interface: comparison between experiment and modelling, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Natalie S. Grigorieva, Paul Cristini, Gregory Fridman. Symposium held in memory of David E. Weston, Apr 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp.106-116
- Study of robustness of single-element-mirror TR method to reverberation and clutter: simulations and tank measurements,, Irvin Kirsteins, Alessandra Tesei, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results (UAM 2009), Jun 2009, Nafplion, Greece
- Experimental evidence of range dependence of mode cut-on frequency in a scaled wedge-like environment, Alexio Korakas, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand. 3rd International conference and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: technologies and results (UAM2009), Jun 2009, Nafplion, Greece. CD-ROM(6 p.)
- High frequency acoustic properties of water-saturated sediments: laboratory study, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Anatoly Ivakin. 157th meeting Acoustical Society of America, May 2009, Portland, United States. pp.2746
- A volume scattering model in the time domain: bistatic scattering tank experiment comparison, Gaetano Canepa, Alessandra Teseï, Mario Zampolli, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. International symposium on underwater reverberation and clutter, Sep 2008, Lerici, Italy. pp.157-164
- Backscattering from an elastic target near a water-sediment interface at oblique incidence: first results of tank experiments, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Anatoly Ivakin, Régine Guillermin. 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2008), Jul 2008, Paris, France
- Tank experiments of sound propagation over a tilted bottom: comparison with a 3-D PE model, Alexio Korakas, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand. 9th European Conference on UnderwaterAcoustics: ECUA 2008, Jul 2008, Paris, France. pp.429-434
- A time domain model of scattering from small discrete volume particles: tank validation, Gaetano Canepa, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Alessandra Teseï, Régine Guillermin, Raymond Soukup. 9th European Conference in Underwater Acoustics, Jul 2008, Paris, France. pp.453-458
- High frequency propagation and scattering from water saturated granular sediments: laboratory study, Anatoly Ivakin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2008), Jul 2008, Paris, France
- Estimation of some geoacoustic parameters of a tank experiment by match field processing, Panagiotis Papadakis, Michael Taroudakis, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2008), Jul 2008, Paris, France
- A multistatic synthetic aperture sonar to detect a cylinder lying on a rough interface : experimental results, Caroline Hervé, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Françoise Schmitt, Franck Daout. the 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2008), Jul 2008, Paris, France. pp.321-326
- Bentchmarking of computational scattering models using underwater acoustic data from a corrugated wax slab, D. Calvo, G. Canepa, R. Soukup, E. Kunz, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, K. Rudd. 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2008), Jul 2008, Paris, France
- Reflection and scattering by water-saturated sediments, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Anatoly Ivakin. Diffraction Days 08, Jun 2008, St Petersbourg, Russia
- Laboratory scale measurements of across-slope sound propagation over a wedge-shaped bottom., Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand. 2nd International proceedings and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: technologies and results, Jun 2007, Heraklion, Greece. pp.1151-1156
- Investigation of pulse propagation in shallow water laboratory experiments and comparison with numerical simulations., Alexios Korakas, Frédéric Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Didier Ferrand. 2nd International proceedings and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: technologies and results, Jun 2007, Heraklion, Greece. pp.1123-1128
- High frequency reflection from water-saturated sandy bottoms, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Anatoliy N. Ivakin. High frequency reflection from water-saturated sandy bottoms, Jun 2007, Heraklion, Greece. pp.1137-1142
- Laboratory study of high frequency scattering from water-saturated granular sediments, A. Ivakin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin. 152 th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nov 2006, Honolulu, United States. pp.xx-xx
- Imagerie multistatique pour le sonar passif, Caroline Hervé, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Françoise Schmitt, F. Daout. 8ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2006, Tours, France. pp.x-x
- Propagation en milieu océanique: Comparaison de modèles paraboliques avec des expérimentations en cuve, F. Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. 8ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 2006, Tours, France. pp.x-x
- Comparison of parabolic equation based codes with tank experiments for shallow water environments, F. Sturm, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. the 8th European Conference in Underwater Acoustic (Portugal Carvoeiro), 2006, Carvoeiro, Portugal. pp.427-432
- Time and frequency measurements using scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation, P. Papadakis, M. Taroudakis, Patrick Sanchez, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference in Underwater Acoustic (Portugal Carvoeiro), 2006, Carvoeiro, Portugal. pp.453-458
- Laboratory study of high frequency scattering from water-saturated sandy sediments, Anatoly Ivakin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. 129th ASA Meeting, Jun 2005, Vancouver, Canada. pp.2433
- Detection of heavy oil on the sea floor : Tank experiments, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. International Conference in “Underwater Acoustic Measurements : Technologies and results, 2005, Crête, 28 juin-1er juillet, Greece
- Scaled Laboratory Experiments of Shallow Water Acoustic propagation, P.J. Papadakis, M. Taroudakis, Patrick Sanchez, Jean-Pierre Sessarego. 2005, pp.x-x
- Use of scaled models to study high frequency seafloor backscattering, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. Conference on Boundary Influences in high frequency shallow water acoustics, 2005, Bath, United Kingdom. pp.209-216
- Sonar Detection of Sunken Heavy Fuel Oil on the Seafloor, F. Parthiot, F. Merlin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, . Al. -, 2004, France
- Oil detection by acoustic means : tank experiments, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, L. Guillon, Patrick Sanchez. 2004, pp.1077-1082
- 0n the local nature of the reflection of acoustic waves from a two-layered sea floor with oblique interface. Part II : Experimental validation., P.J. Papadakis, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. 2004, pp.x-x
- Mesures en cuve de la rétrodiffusion : vers une simulation contrôlée de l'acoustique des fonds marins, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, L. Guillon. Congrès SeaTech Week, 2004, Brest, 20-21 octobre, France
- Doppler Acoustic Velocimetry of Fluid Flow from Borehole Fractures, T. Monnier, Régine Guillermin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Patrick Sanchez. 2003, pp.225-228
- Mesures expérimentales en cuve de la reflexion et de la retrodiffusion par un socle rugueux surmonté par une strat, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, L. Guillon. Proceedings of the Colloquium : Past Present and Future of Technology in Music, 2003, Brest, 19 juin, France
- Rétrodiffusion par des fonds rugueux: Résultats de mesures en cuve., Jean-Pierre Sessarego, L. Guillon. Journée « Caractérisation des Fonds », 2003, Brest, 19 juin, France