Article dans une revue
- Fully automatic multigrid adaptive mesh refinement strategy with controlled accuracy for nonlinear quasi-static problems, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 400, pp.115505. ⟨10.1016/j.cma.2022.115505⟩
- A unified framework for the computational comparison of adaptive mesh refinement strategies for all-quadrilateral and all-hexahedral meshes: locally adaptive multigrid methods versus h-adaptive methods, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 437, pp.110310. ⟨10.1016/⟩
- Analytical Comparison of Two Multiscale Coupling Methods for Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2020, 87 (9), ⟨10.1115/1.4047259⟩
Communication dans un congrès
- AUTOMATIC ADAPTIVE MESH REFINEMENT WITH CONTROLLED ACCURACY IN A MULTISCALE CONTEXT FOR NONLINEAR SOLID MECHANICS, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Sep 2021, BLED, Slovenia
- Adaptive multigrid local defect correction method for nonlinear solid mechanics, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress, Jan 2021, Virtual Congress, France
- Raffinement de maillage adaptatif pour solveur implicite, I. Ramiere, Frédéric Lebon, Laureline Barbié, Hao Liu, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova. 2ème journée sur les méthodes numériques " Méthodes de résolution adaptatives", Oct 2019, Cadarache, France
- Conceptual and algorithmic comparison of multigrid Local Defect Correction approach and hybrid FE2 numerical homogenization technique, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, I. Ramiere, Frédéric Lebon. JST Homogénéisation et calcul multi-chelles, Oct 2019, Champs-sur-Marne, France
- Étude comparative de la méthode Local Defect Correction et des méthodes h-adaptatives, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. 14ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, May 2019, Giens, France
- Comparative study of Local Defect Correction method and h-adaptive methods, Daria Koliesnikova, Daria Koliesnikova, Isabelle Ramière, Frédéric Lebon. The Tenth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Sep 2018, Sitjes, Spain