
Article dans une revue
- Role of the Resonator Geometry on the Pressure Spectrum of Reed Conical Instruments, Jean Kergomard, Philippe Guillemain, Patrick Sanchez, Christophe Vergez, Jean-Pierre Dalmont, Bruno Gazengel, Sami Karkar. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2019, 105 (2), pp.368-380. ⟨10.3813/AAA.919320⟩
- One-way energy insulation using time-space modulated structures, Kaijun Yi, Sami Karkar, Manuel Collet. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 429, pp.162-175. ⟨10.1016/j.jsv.2018.05.017⟩
- Assessment of the harmonic balance method on a self-oscillating one degree-of-freedom system with regularized friction, Pierre Vigué, Christophe Vergez, Sami Karkar, Bruno Cochelin. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92 (3), pp.961-971. ⟨10.1007/s11071-018-4102-8⟩
- Regularized friction and continuation: Comparison with Coulomb's law, Pierre Vigué, Christophe Vergez, Sami Karkar, Bruno Cochelin. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 389, pp.350-363. ⟨10.1016/j.jsv.2016.11.002⟩
- Idealized digital models for conical reed instruments, with focus on the internal pressure waveform, Jean Kergomard, Philippe Guillemain, Fabrice Silva, Sami Karkar. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016, 139 (2), pp.927-937. ⟨10.1121/1.4942185⟩
- A comparative study of the harmonic balance method and the orthogonal collocation method on stiff nonlinear systems, Sami Karkar, Bruno Cochelin, Christophe Vergez. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333 (12), pp.2554-2567. ⟨10.1016/j.jsv.2014.01.019⟩
- A high-order, purely frequency based harmonic balance formulation for continuation of periodic solutions: The case of non-polynomial nonlinearities, Sami Karkar, Bruno Cochelin, Christophe Vergez. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332 (4), pp.968-977. ⟨10.1016/j.jsv.2012.09.033⟩
- Oscillation threshold of a clarinet model: a numerical continuation approach, Sami Karkar, Christophe Vergez, Bruno Cochelin. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 131 (1), pp.698-707. ⟨10.1121/1.3651231⟩
Communication dans un congrès
- Exploration des solutions périodiques d'un modèle simple de corde frottée, Pierre Vigué, Bruno Cochelin, Sami Karkar, Christophe Vergez. Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Aug 2015, Lyon, France
- WHAT WE UNDERSTAND TODAY ON FORMANTS IN SAXOPHONE SOUNDS?, Jean Kergomard, Philippe Guillemain, Sami Karkar, Jean-Pierre Dalmont, Bruno Gazengel. 44º Congreso Español de Acústica Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica EAA European Symposium on Environmental Acoustics and Noise Mapping (TECNIACUSTICA 2013), Oct 2013, Valladolid, Spain. pp.1209-1216
- Numerical tools for musical instruments acoustics: analysing nonlinear physical models using continuation of periodic solutions, Sami Karkar, Christophe Vergez, Bruno Cochelin. Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
- Numerical tools for musical instruments acoustics: analysing nonlinear physical models using continuation of periodic solutions, Sami Karkar, Christophe Vergez, Bruno Cochelin. Acoustics 2012, 2012, Nantes, France
- Toward the systematic investigation of periodic solutions in single reed woodwind instruments, Sami Karkar, Christophe Vergez, Bruno Cochelin. 20th International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA-2010) Associated Meeting of the International Congress on Acoustics, Aug 2010, Sydney and Katoomba, Australia. see online proceedings
- Cartes itérées appliquées à un instrument de type clarinette, Pierre-André Taillard, Jean Kergomard, Franck Laloë, Sami Karkar. 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France
- Exploration systématique des régimes périodiques des instruments à anche, Sami Karkar, Christophe Vergez, Bruno Cochelin. 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France