Dynamics in capillary adhesion and snap-through of beams

Event date : 01/04/2025

Bense Hadrien - Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Mans

Dynamics in capillary adhesion and snap-through of beams

Dynamics in capillary adhesion and snap-through of beams


I will discuss the effects of dynamics in two different problems. The first one deals with the capillary interaction between two rods dynamically withdrawn from a liquid bath. I will show how dynamics strongly increases the cheerios effect. The second one focuses on dynamical snap-through of a buckled beam. I will present preliminary results showing that rapid actuation of a beam can lower its snap-through threshold.

‼️ Le séminaire peut être suivi en ligne suivant le lien :


Le mardi 1er avril 2025 à 11h00 / Amphithéâtre François Canac, LMA

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